Although it is not necessary to make a reservation, it is strongly suggested that you do so to ensure that we have the necessary availability to welcome you once there. It is possible for you to reserve r;

* Full payment will be required at the time of making the reservation so make sure you have your gift card or credit card number on hand.

- During your visit you must plan to arrive 30 minutes in advance in order to have the time necessary to register at reception, change and follow the short theoretical training before the start of the session. OASIS SURF provides surfboards, bodyboards and helmets. You must bring a T-shirt / rash guard (obligatory to participate in the activity), your swimsuit and your towel. We also recommend that you bring sandals and a padlock to secure your personal belongings.

- A copy of the risk acknowledgment form per participant must be completed for people aged 18 and over. For participants aged 17 and under, the form must be completed by the adult responsible for the minor before the activity. A link will be sent to you in an email following your reservation allowing you to complete the form. You can also fill it out by clicking the following link : Risk recognition form


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The number of people during the same session can therefore vary between 1 and 12 participants depending on the number of reservations.

Participants are divided into two groups (left and right) and two people can ride the wave at the same time. So we are usually able to put all the people in the same group together on the same side of the wave.

Ridership varies greatly during the week and times of the year. It may therefore happen that on occasion you are alone on the wave during your session. On the other hand, during busier periods, such as weekends, you often have to expect groups to be full and therefore to be paired with several other people.

Since you would like to be sure to surf only with the people in your group, our private wave package will allow you to reserve the entire wave. When booking a private wave, the maximum number of participants is 12 people for a 30-minute session or 24 people for a session of 60 minutes or more.

! We always have instructors present to accompany you throughout your session during each of your visits. Our instructors are there to help you get on the board and to give you lots of little tips and advice to help you surf and allow you to continue to progress easily and quickly with each visit.

Any time is the best time to come surf at OASIS SURF. On the other hand, if you want to come when we are least busy, you can easily see the places available in real time on our website by clicking on the reservation tab.

Note that availability changes quickly and that some people show up without reservation. It is impossible for us to predict the precise number of people who will be present during the session. It's best to check a few hours in advance to give you a better idea of ​​how many participants will be there.

You must bring a T-shirt or rashguard (obligatory to participate in the activity), your swimsuit and your towel . We also recommend that you bring sandals and a padlock to secure your personal belongings.

We provide surfboards, bodyboards and helmets.

Unfortunately no . It is prohibited to wear glasses during the activity. In addition, we strongly recommend removing any type of jewelry to avoid losing it in the pool during the session.

When items end up in the pool, unfortunately it is often impossible for us to find them.

Like any sport or activity in general, there are usually some small risks associated with the practice. The most common injuries are often bruises or small scratches. Although there have been a few occasions during our last 10 years of operations where we have occasionally seen more severe injuries, these remain isolated and extraordinary cases.

No way !
The activity is accessible to everyone, whether you are a big sportsman, a little sportsman, or not sporty at all, from the age of 4! Surfing at OASIS SURF is a sport accessible to everyone. It's the ideal place to come and learn surfing or to come and practice. All our packages include a short theoretical lesson before the session. We also always have experienced instructors on site to support and advise you throughout each of your sessions.

The first half hour often goes by way too quickly, especially on the first visit. It usually takes around 15 to 20 minutes before you become comfortable enough on the board to be able to start making moves and turns. The session therefore often comes to an end at the same time as participants begin to progress and take full advantage of it, which often leaves them thinking that the best option would have been to opt for a 60-minute session.

! We will be happy to extend the duration of your surf session on site if you wish to extend the pleasure. Of course, this is conditional on us having enough availability during the following session to extend your session. This is often difficult during busier periods such as weekends, so it is better to plan everything in advance.


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Yes . The price is the same for all participants, regardless of age. Our family package, valid for 2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and three children, is a great option to allow the whole family to enjoy the experience while benefiting from a discount.


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